(A)   Request for county enforcement within village.  The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign and submit an application, if required, to the State Board of Building Standards requesting the Board to certify the village to allow the County Building Department to perform all inspections and exercise all enforcement authority necessary within the village limits in accordance with the Ohio Basic Building Code and the Village Building Codes and to enter into an agreement with the county for such purposes.
   (B)   Enforcement contract with county.  The village through its Mayor and Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the county for the enforcement of the Village Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code within the limits of the village, whereby the County Building Department shall exercise all enforcement authority necessary within the village in accordance with such codes for all occupancies covered by the Village Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code, with the condition and limitation that plumbing shall be enforced by the County Health Department.
   (C)   County authority and retention of fees. The terms of the enforcement agreement shall grant to the county full authority to do all things necessary to administer and enforce the Village and Ohio Basic Building Codes within the limits of the village, and in consideration therefore to allow the county to retain all permit and inspection fees authorized by the village and by the state for such purposes.
   (D)   Nonliability of county. Council further agrees to hold the county harmless for all claims and causes of action of every kind and nature arising from the acts of the county, its agents, employees and representatives in the administration and enforcement of a Village Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code.
   (E)   Building Inspector defined.  In every place within this code that the term Village Building Inspector is found, it means the inspector or inspectors as authorized by the county under this section.
(1997 Code, § 150.02)  (Ord. 666-81, passed 2-9-1981)