A.   Community Residence:
      1.   A community residence shall have a maximum of eight (8) unrelated persons residing in it, with a minimum of one but not more than three (3) paid professional support staff provided by the sponsoring agency, either living with the residents on a twenty four (24) hour basis, or present whenever residents are present at the dwelling to provide supervision and support.
      2.   The community residence is located at least one thousand two hundred feet (1,200'), measured in all directions, from any other building used as a community residence pursuant to this title, or a "community residence" as defined pursuant to any adjacent jurisdiction's zoning ordinance.
      3.   Services, including, but not limited to, counseling and other treatment, shall be provided for only persons residing at the community residence.
   B.   Places Of Assembly, Religious Institutions And Lodges (Fraternal And Civic): A traffic impact study shall be required for all places of assembly, religious institutions and lodges (fraternal and civic) greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
   C.   Agriculture:
      1.   Distances: Land used for the shelter, feeding, keeping, propagating and culture of livestock and farm animals shall be a minimum of two (2) acres in area and all accessory structures associated with the above keeping of livestock and farm animals shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the nearest lot line. Any other structure used in the pursuit of agriculture not associated with animals shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the nearest front lot line, and a minimum of fifty feet (50') from the nearest interior and rear lot lines.
      2.   Chickens (Poultry):
         a.   The raising/keeping of chickens shall be permitted on residential zoning lots containing a minimum of six thousand (6,000) square feet.
         b.   A maximum of four (4) chickens shall be permitted on properties zoned and occupied for single family residential uses.
         c.   All chickens shall be kept within a covered enclosure/structure with an attached covered/enclosed outdoor area to prevent chickens from encroaching onto neighboring properties.
         d.   An outdoor area a minimum of six (6) square feet per chicken will be required and a maximum of one hundred (100) total square feet will be permitted for both the covered enclosure/structure and outdoor area.
         e.   All enclosures/structures shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from all lot lines.
         f.   The structure shall contain insulated walls and/or an insulated blanket shall cover the structure during the winter months.
         g.   All chickens and enclosures/structures shall be kept/located in the rear yard only.
         h.   All areas where chickens are kept shall be clean and well maintained with little to no accumulation of waste. In addition, all areas where chickens are kept shall not produce or cause odors that are detectable on adjacent properties.
         i.   Roosters are prohibited.
         j.   No slaughtering.
         k.   No other poultry, including but not limited to geese, ducks and turkeys shall be kept on the property.
         l.   An initial building permit shall be required for all enclosures/structures associated with the raising of chickens. A building inspection/approval is required prior to obtaining a chicken license.
         m.   A chicken license issued by the Village with a one-time fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be required prior to purchasing the chickens. A renewal license shall be required each year thereafter, with no additional fee or building inspection required.
         n.   A maximum of twenty five (25) residential zoning lots will be licensed to have chickens in the Village at one time.
      3.   Beekeeping:
         a.   Bees and bee hives shall be permitted on residential zoning lots containing a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
         b.   A maximum of two (2) hives/colonies shall be permitted on properties zoned and occupied for single family residential uses.
         c.   The hive(s) shall be located only in the rear yard and a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from all lot lines.
         d.   A flyway barrier at least five feet (5') in height, consisting of either a solid fence with a secure gate, or dense vegetation/landscaping shall be required for the perimeter of the rear yard in which the hive is located. Those lots exceeding twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in area shall only be required to screen the hive(s) with either dense landscaping or solid fencing at least five feet (5') in height to create a flyway barrier for the bees and to minimize the impact to adjoining properties.
         e.   Prominent signage warning of the presence of bees shall be required on the property (i.e., gate).
         f.   Each hive shall not exceed five feet (5') in height, nor shall the land area designated for the hives exceed thirty (30) square feet in total.
         g.   A source of water shall be available at all times on the property during the beehive's active months (March - November).
         h.   All areas where beehives are kept shall be clean and well maintained with no accumulation of bee combs, wax, etc., around the site.
         i.   An initial building permit shall be required for all hives and an inspection/approval is required prior to obtaining a beekeeping license.
         j.   A beekeeping license issued by the Village with a one-time fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be required prior to obtaining the bees. A renewal license shall be required each year thereafter, with no additional fee or building inspection required.
         k.   Proof of registration with the Illinois Department of Agriculture will be required with the annual license.
         l.   A maximum of twenty five (25) residential zoning lots will be licensed to have bees in the Village at one time. (Ord. 2017-24, 3-21-2017; amd. Ord. 2018-58, 5-15-2018; Ord. 2022-28, 4-19-2022)