Recorded in Plat Book           , page number            , this         day of                                 ,           , at                        o’clock    m.
   Instrument No.                  . Fee Paid $             .
   Bartholomew County Recorder: (Name)
   A notation has been made on the original plat of “(Insert Subdivision Title)”, Plat Book (#) Page (#). (This paragraph to be added below the Recorder’s Certificate on any subdivision that contains land that has previously been recorded.)
   I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each social security number in this document, unless required by law. (Name of who created document) (This paragraph to be added on all documents intended to be recorded.)
(Prior Code, § 8-90) (Ord. 1986-7, passed 10-21-1986; Ord. 1989-07, passed 7-31-1989; Ord. 1993-03, passed 4-26-1993; Ord. 4, 2021, passed 6-21-2021)