(A)   A franchisee must implement remedial requirements, including prospective rate reductions and refunds, within 60 days of the date the Telecommunications Commission issues an order mandating a remedy.
   (B)   Within 90 days of the date an order mandating a remedy is issued, a franchisee must file a certification, signed by an authorized representative of the cable company, stating:
      (1)   Whether the franchisee has complied fully with all provisions of the Telecommunications Commission's order;
      (2)   Describing in detail the precise measures taken to implement the Telecommunications Commission's order; and
      (3)   Showing how refunds (including interest) were calculated and distributed.
   (C)   It is each franchisee's responsibility to keep accurate and adequate books and records of account so that it can properly and accurately refund any amounts owed to subscribers.
   (D)   It is each franchisee's duty to submit as complete and accurate a filing as possible, and knowingly withholding information or making a filing that is incomplete or inaccurate under applicable law shall be treated as an evasion of this chapter.
   (E)   (1)   A franchisee and any other entity that has records of revenues or expenses that are allocated to the franchisee's system must respond to requests for information from the Telecommunications Commission by deadlines established by the Telecommunications Commission. A franchisee is responsible for ensuring that other entity responds to the Telecommunications Commission's requests.
      (2)   Because federal law limits the time available for an initial response to a filing by a franchisee, before the order contemplated hereby issues, the franchisee must be prepared to respond to requests for information regarding its filing within five days of the date an information request is mailed to it. The information may include the information the franchisee would be required to provide as part of any supplementary filing.
(Prior Code, § 3-102) (Ord. 1993-15, passed 11-1-1993)