For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONMENT. The voluntary relinquishment of possession by the owner with the intention of terminating his or her ownership, but without vesting possession in any other person. The failure to make adequate provision for food, water and shelter shall be prima facie evidence of ABANDONMENT.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Any person who has been employed as such by the Board of Commissioners.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any facility operated by a humane society or municipal agency, or its authorized agents or operated under contract or agreement with the Board of Commissioners for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter or state law.
   AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner while not under the control of the owner or other person by leash, cord, chain or other device of actual physical restraint or under the control of and accompanying the owner or other person who has the ability to control the dog or cat by voice command.
   BREEDER. Any person, or other entity that breeds dogs or cats for purposes of sale of the offspring of the animal(s). In no event shall a breeder operate more than ten unaltered female dogs or cats that are more than 12 months old.
   DOG, CAT and ANIMAL. Includes both the male and female thereof.
   IDENTIFIED COMPLAINT. A complaint in which the identity of the complainant is known to the Animal Control Officer or Police Department or Health Department of the county and whose identity is made a matter of public record or released to any person desiring the same.
   KENNEL. Any facility wherein any person engages in the business of boarding, breeding, buying, letting for hire, training for a fee or selling dogs or cats; or any household or noncommercial animal establishment harboring four or more animals.
   NUISANCE. Any one or more of the following conditions:
      (1)   A condition which arises by a dog barking consistently or at intervals chasing bicycles or automobiles on the streets or sidewalks of the county.
      (2)   A condition which arises by a dog, cat or other animal destroying, defacing or damaging shrubbery, lawns or flowers which results in the general discomfort of citizens in the neighborhood where the dog, cat or other animal is harbored.
      (3)   A condition which arises by a dog barking consistently so as to disturb the peace of the neighborhood.
      (4)   A condition which arises from the accumulation of animal excreta on the property of the owner, public or any other citizen so as to cause an obnoxious odor, create a situation which could draw or breed insects, attract vermin or cause a health nuisance.
   OFFICIAL WARNING. A written notice or warning based upon an identified complaint and given to the owner of a dog, cat or other animal by the Animal Control Officer, Sheriff or other member of the County Sheriff’s Department or by an employee of the County Health Department.
   OWNER. Any person owning, keeping or harboring a dog, cat or other animal.
   PET SHOP. Any person, partnership or corporation, other than a licensed kennel, that buys or sells any species of animal.
   RUNNING IN PACK. Three or more dogs, cats or other animals at large together, which by repeated or continual presence constitute a physical danger to a neighborhood, livestock, or personal or real property.
   VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal that is known to have bitten or otherwise physically molested or inflicted a personal injury upon a human being without provocation; or, an animal that promiscuously attacks other animals.
   WARM-BLOODED ANIMAL. Any animal that maintains a constant body temperature; all mammals including, but not limited to, dogs, cats, rats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, foxes and the like.
   WILD ANIMAL. Any live monkey, raccoon, skunk, fox, poisonous snake, leopard, panther, tiger, lion, lynx or any other warm-blooded animal which can normally be found in the wild state.
(Prior Code, § 3-5) (Ord. 12-13-79A, passed 12-13-1979; Ord. 1987-16, passed 10-26-1987; Ord. 2021-06, passed 8-30-2021)