(A)   There is established the County Fire Prevention Bureau, with the consent and approval of the participating fire chiefs of the rural fire departments in the county. The Fire Prevention Bureau shall enforce the State Fire Prevention Code (as hereinafter defined) in the county under the supervision of the County Chief Code Enforcement Officer of the County Department of Technical Code Enforcement. The Fire Prevention Bureau shall be composed of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer and Fire Inspector, described below, acting as the designated representatives of the responsible area fire chiefs.
   (B)   Applications for the position of Fire Inspector, from time to time, shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners of the county and reviewed by participating fire chiefs of the rural fire departments in the county. The final selection shall be made by the Board of Commissioners.
   (C)   The Fire Prevention Bureau shall be accountable to the Board of Commissioners. A report of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall be made monthly and transmitted to the Board of Commissioners and area fire chiefs; the report shall contain a record of all proceedings under this subchapter, including data and statistics as the Chief Code Enforcement Officer shall determine or which may be requested by the Board of Commissioners and/or area fire chiefs.
(Prior Code, § 6-90) (Ord. 1982-11, passed - -1982)
   Fire Prevention Bureau; administration and establishment, see §§ 34.205 through 34.215