A.   Building Permit; Fee: A building permit must be obtained for any structure that will have a completed structural value of five hundred dollars ($500.00). The value is determined by the cost of new materials times two (2). The permit shall be issued by the building inspector and shall state that the building or structure and the use of land comply with the regulations of this title and all building and health laws and ordinances. A charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) and one dollar ($1.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) over twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) shall be made for each building permit issued. (Ord. 90-3, 9-12-1990 as amended 11-5-1990)
   B.   Application For Permit:
      1.   Requirements For Permit: All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by both a plat and survey of the real estate for which a permit is sought. Both documents shall be submitted in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot or lots to be built upon, the size of the building or structure to be erected or structurally altered, its location on the lot or lots and other such information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these regulations.
In lieu of a survey, the building inspector may, but shall not be required to accept permanent boundary monuments located upon the lot or lots to be built upon. In order for the building inspector to discretionarily rely upon such monuments, such monuments must be of the type and character to be reasonably and historically relied upon.
A careful record of such applications, surveys and plats shall be kept in the office of the building inspector. (Ord. 2012-02, 3-5-2012)
      2.   Sewer System Requirement: No building shall be constructed, and no permit shall be issued for any building on any premises not served by a sewer unless the area of the lot on which such building is to be erected complies with the ordinances relative to septic tanks as to size and condition of soil.
      3.   Term Of Permit: Said permit shall be valid for six (6) months from date of issuance and thereafter shall be null and void unless construction has been started under said permit during said six (6) months' period.
   C.   Use Permit Required: No change shall be made in the use of a building or part thereof now or hereafter erected or structurally altered, or in the use of land now or hereafter occupied, without a use permit having first been issued by the building inspector. No such use permit shall be issued to make such change unless it is in conformity with the provisions of this title or amendments thereto hereafter duly enacted.
   D.   Continuance Of Existing Uses: Nothing in this title shall prevent the continuance of the present occupancy or lawful use of any existing building, except as may be necessary for the safety of life and property, and except as provided in chapter 7, "Nonconforming Uses", of this title. (Ord. 90-3, 9-12-1990 as amended 11-5-1990)