Curb stops or shutoff boxes shall be installed in service pipes supplying each meter in such a manner as will permit shutting off the supply to any meter without affecting the supply to any other meter. Such curb stops shall be so located as to be easily accessible. The top of such curb stop stands shall be flush with the surface of the earth or pavement. Such curb stops shall be located close to the street edge of the sidewalk when practical. When necessary to locate in other places, permission shall be first obtained from the Public Works Director. (Ord. 78-11, 3-6-1978)
A. Barricades And Lights Required: All excavations for the water service installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard.
B. Restoration Of Property: Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored by the user in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Director. (Ord. 78-11, 3-6-1978)
A. Expense Of Owner: All repairs on service pipes from the mains to the meter shall be made by and at the expense of the owner of the premises served.
B. Repair By City; Cost To Be Repaid: The City may, in case of emergency or failure of the owner to repair any service pipe, repair any service pipe itself or cause it to be repaired. If this is done, the cost of such repair work shall be repaid to the City by the owner of the property served. (Ord. 78-11, 3-6-1978)
All water service supplied shall be upon the express condition that the City shall not be liable nor shall any claim be made against it for damages or injury caused by reason of the breaking of any main, branches, service pipes, apparatus, or appurtenances connected with said system or any part or portion thereof, or for any interruption of the supply by reason of the breakage of machinery, or by reason of stoppage, alterations, extensions or renewals. (Ord. 78-11, 3-6-1978)
The City and its employees shall have ready access at all reasonable times to the premises, places or buildings where water service is supplied for the purpose of examining and testing the consumption, use and flow of water and it shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, prevent, or obstruct the City or its duly authorized agent, in its duties hereunder. Every user of the system shall take the same upon the conditions prescribed in this Section. (Ord. 78-11, 3-6-1978)