A.   Streets:
      1.   It shall be unlawful to deposit on any street any material which may be harmful to the pavement thereof or any waste material, or any glass, or other articles which may do injury to any person, animal or property.
      2.   Coal or other materials may be deposited in streets preparatory to delivery or use, provided such deposit does not reduce the useable width of the roadway at that point to less than eighteen feet (18'); provided, that such material or coal, other than material to be used in actual building construction, shall not be permitted to remain on such street for more than three (3) hours.
      3.   Any such material or coal shall be guarded by lights if the same remains upon any sidewalk after nighttime. (1944 Code § 98)
   B.   Sidewalks:
      1.   It shall be unlawful to deposit on any public sidewalk any material which may be harmful to the pavement thereof, or any waste materials or any glass or other articles which might cause injury to persons, animals or property.
      2.   Merchandise or other articles may be deposited on sidewalks preparatory to delivery; provided, that the useable width of the walk is not thereby reduced to less than four feet (4'); and provided, that no such article shall remain on such walk for more than one-half (1/2) hour. (1944 Code § 99)