(A)   The County Fiscal hereby establishes (or re-affirms) a fee pooling system for the Offices of the County Clerk and the Barren County Sheriff.
   (B)   That all net income and net fees from the offices of the County Clerk and Sheriff shall be paid over to the County Treasurer on a monthly basis not later than the tenth day for each month for the net income and net fees collected in the preceding month.
   (C)   NET INCOME and NET FEES shall mean all income and all fees collected less approved transmittals to government agencies, applicable customer refunds and small purchases that are considered "petty" in nature.
   (D)   All other expenditures of the Offices of the County Clerk and Sheriff shall be pre-approved and paid by the County Treasurer in accordance with the current purchase order system previously established by the County Fiscal Court. Provided, however, the County Clerk and Sheriff shall certify to the Treasurer for payment on a bi-weekly basis the names and hours of each employee of their respective offices who worked during such pay period, and the Treasurer shall pay such payrolls without the necessity of any purchase order.
   (E)   The ordinary bills of the County Clerk and the County Sheriff shall be paid after approval by the Court.
   (F)   No salaries or expenses of the County Clerk or County Sheriff or their employees shall be paid if the fee officer is delinquent in the payment of one month's fee income. In the case of delinquencies, said salaries and expenses shall only be paid at such time as the delinquencies have been corrected.
   (G)   In order to operate under the true intent of a fee pooling arrangement, the Clerk and Sheriff will submit all expenditures to the Treasurer for payment. The Clerk and/or Sheriff may, however, directly and without fee pooling or Court approval, pay for any office expenses from which his/her fees could otherwise be expended and which could not have reasonably been foreseen or anticipated, or payment of which cannot be delayed until the next regularly-scheduled fiscal court meeting.
(Ord. 600, passed 10-17-2017)