As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have their given definition.
   APPOINTING AUTHORITY. The County Judge Executive, or any of his or her designated subordinates, who appoint the non-elected county officers covered under this chapter.
   BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. Any corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, trust, professional service corporation, or any other legal entity through which business is conducted for profit.
   COUNTY OFFICER. For the purpose of this chapter, the following persons shall be defined as a county officer:
      (1)   Any person elected or appointed to the office of:
         (a)   County Judge Executive;
         (b)   Fiscal Court Member;
         (c)   County Attorney;
         (d)   Sheriff;
         (e)   County Clerk;
         (f)   Surveyor;
         (g)   Constable; or
         (h)   Coroner.
      (2)   Any position as determined by a person identified in division (1) of this definition that has the authority to enter into contracts over $10,000 in value or make purchases of goods or services over $10,000 in value.
      (3)   Any person nominated or appointed by the County Judge Executive or the Fiscal Court to a county agency who has regulatory authority or has independent authority or has independent authority to expend public funds.
   CANDIDATE. Any individual who seeks nomination or election to a county government office. An individual is a candidate when the individual:
      (1)   Files a notification and declaration for nomination for office with a County Clerk or the Secretary of State; or
      (2)   Is nominated for office by a political party under KRS 118.105, 118.115, 118.325, or 118.760.
   COUNTY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. Any person, whether compensated or not, whether full-time or part-time, employed by or serving the county government or county government agency who is not a county government officer, but shall not mean any employees of a school district or school board.
   COUNTY GOVERNMENT OFFICER. Any person, whether compensated or not, whether full-time or part-time, who is elected to any county government office; or any person who serves as a member of the governing body of any county government agency or governing body of any county government agency or special taxing or non-taxing district, but shall not mean any officer of a school district or school board. See specific offices above.
   FAMILY MEMBER FOR PURPOSES OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE. Any person who is a spouse, an un-emancipated child residing in an individual’s household, or a person claimed by the individual’s spouse as a dependent for tax purposes.
   FAMILY MEMBER FOR PURPOSES OF HIRING AND NEPOTISM. Any person who is the spouse, parent, sibling, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, or grandchild of a county officer; or is a dependent for tax purposes of the county officer or the county officer’s spouse; or who is a member of the county officer’s household including a person who is not a spouse but is in a committed relationship with the county officer and resides in the county officer’s household, whether or not that member of the county officer’s household is a dependent of the county officer. “Committed relationship” as used herein shall mean sharing of income and expenses by couples involved in heterosexual and/or homosexual relationships.
   INTEREST. The ownership or control of more than 5% of the profits, assets, or stock of a business, or holding a position as a principal of any nonprofit entity including, but not limited to, a labor organization.
(Ord. 556, passed 3-17-2015)