(A)   Preparation. After improvements installed on a site are approved by the town, as-built drawings must be prepared and certified by a surveyor or engineer licensed by the State of Indiana. The applicant provides one PDF digital copy, one CAD digital copy (.dwg format version 2004 or higher) or other file type compatible with the town's GIS software, one mylar copy, and one hard copy set of as-built drawings in accordance with these standards. The names for the files should allow someone unfamiliar with the consulting firms naming conventions to determine the content of the file. The .dwg files must use the NAD83, Indiana State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone projection using U.S. Survey feet. The vertical datum for the files must be NAVD 88. All pertinent drawing elements must reside in the primary drawing file. There cannot be any cells, nodes, blocks, or reference files (x-refs) attached to the drawing.
   (B)   As-built plan contents. As-built plans must contain:
      (1)   Grades for the following locations:
         (a)   Major drainage swales and percent of slope;
         (b)   Lot corner and grade brakes;
         (c)   Pad grades;
         (d)   Street grades along the centerline and curb (maximum 50-foot spacing);
         (e)   Street sag and crest points;
         (f)   Paved swales, if any, at 50-foot intervals;
         (g)   Lakes or ponds at the top of bank, normal pool, safety ledge, bottom, and spillway;
         (h)   Locations of sidewalk ramps.
      (2)   Sanitary sewer system plans and profiles, including:
         (a)   Invert elevations and percent of slope;
         (b)   Top of casting elevations;
         (c)   Lateral locations based on distances along main from manholes;
         (d)   Locations of each manhole or structure;
         (e)   Designate any material changes from approved construction plans. Where plans show alternates, indicate the alternate constructed.
      (3)   Storm sewer plans and profiles, including:
         (a)   Invert elevations and percent of slope;
         (b)   Top of casting elevations;
         (c)   Location of pipe and structures;
         (d)   Designate any material change from design plans. Where plans show alternates, indicate the alternate constructed.
      (4)   Street plans and profiles, including:
         (a)   Grades;
         (b)   All low and high points;
         (c)   All percent of slope;
         (d)   Any deviation of alignment;
         (e)   Grades and dimensions on accel and decel lanes, if applicable.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)