(A)   Preparation. The secondary plat is prepared by a land surveyor licensed by the State of Indiana at a scale of no more than one inch equals 50 feet. A scale of one inch equals 100 feet may be used to make the drawing no larger than 18 inches by 23 inches so the plat may be inserted in the plat books of the County Recorder without folding.
   (B)   General. The secondary plat includes:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
      (2)   Names and addresses of the owners and consultants involved in the preparation of the plat;
      (3)   Title, scale, north arrow, and date;
      (4)   Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and angles, to provide a survey of the tract;
      (5)   Accurate distances and direction to the nearest established street corners or official monuments. Reference corners must be accurately described on the plan;
      (6)   Accurate locations and names of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract;
      (7)   Accurate metes and bounds description of the boundary;
      (8)   Source of title to the land to be subdivided as shown by the books of the Office of the Recorder of Johnson County, Indiana;
      (9)   Complete curve notes for all curves included in the plan;
      (10)   Street lines and street names with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, with angles to street and lot lines;
      (11)   Lot and block numbers and dimensions;
      (12)   Accurate locations and limitations of easements;
      (13)   Accurate dimensions for any property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semi-public, or community use;
      (14)   Building setback lines and dimensions;
      (15)   Building pad elevations. For building pads near flood hazard areas, the Flood Protection Grade elevations for buildings;
      (16)   Location, type, material, and size of all monuments and lot markers;
      (17)   Plat certificates and deeds of dedication, as set forth in§ 154.163;
      (18)   Notation of any self-imposed restrictions and locations proposed building lines if required by the Plan Commission, according to this chapter;
      (19)   Monuments erected or to be erected, corner, and other points are noted by representation or by legend; metal monuments must indicate type of metal, and diameter, length, and weight per lineal foot of the monuments;
      (20)   Contain a statement to the effect that the Town Council, Plan Commission, or Board of Zoning Appeals may enforce subdivision covenants concerning public easements (e.g., drainage and utility easements).
   (C)   Supplemental information. The Administrator may require the following information:
      (1)   A financial surety for public improvements according to this chapter;
      (2)   A copy of the covenants and restrictions if they are cross-referenced or incorporated on the plat or if they establish or grant rights related to the plat (e.g., easements).
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)