(A)   The sketch plan must include at least the following items:
      (1)   Location of the property, name of the subdivision, lot, section, township, range and county, graphic scale, north arrow, and date;
      (2)   Name, address, and telephone number of the owner and the professionals responsible for the design of the subdivision, its public improvements, and surveys. If the application is made by an owner's authorized agent, a consent form signed by the owner and notarized must accompany the application;
      (3)   Citation of the last instrument conveying title to each parcel of property involved in the proposed subdivision;
      (4)   Location of property lines drawn at a scale of no more than one inch equals 100 feet, existing easements, pipelines, transmission lines, burial grounds, railroad rights-of-ways, water courses, floodplains, floodway, wetlands and boundaries of wooded areas, and individual trees eight inches or more in diameter within areas to be impacted by site disturbing activities;
      (5)   Location, width, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or immediately adjacent to the tract;
      (6)   Names of adjoining property owners within 600 feet of any perimeter boundary of the subdivision;
      (7)   Location, sizes, elevations, and slopes of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, and other underground structures within and adjacent to the tract;
      (8)   Existing permanent buildings and utility poles on or adjacent to the site and utility easements;
      (9)   Topography at two-foot contour intervals unless otherwise approved by the Administrator;
      (10)   The approximate location and widths of proposed streets;
      (11)   The approximate location, dimensions, and areas of proposed lots and parcels proposed to be set aside for parks or other common areas;
      (12)   Preliminary designs for water, sanitary, and storm water systems.
   (B)   Supplemental information.
      (1)   Existing covenants or zoning commitments recorded on the property.
      (2)   Whenever a sketch plan covers only a part of an applicant's contiguous property, the applicant submits a plan showing the proposed subdivision and the future street and infrastructure layout for the remaining property.
      (3)   A vicinity map showing streets and other general development of the surrounding area.
      (4)   A report from Johnson County Soil and Water Conservation District indicating limitations of the soils within the proposed subdivision regarding building development, road construction, drainage, erosion control, or other information to assist in the review of the subdivision.
      (5)   An area map showing the total drainage area containing the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)