(A)   Purpose. The sketch plan review helps minimize development planning costs, avoid misinterpretation, identify required approvals, discuss checkpoint agency and technical reviews, identify the need for modifications or variances, and ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Application requirements. Sketch plan review is required for major subdivisions and recommended for the other types of subdivisions. The applicant files: (1) an application provided on forms provided by the Department; (2) a sketch plan; (3) all applicable fees; and (4) any supplemental information required by the Administrator.
   (C)   Review process. The Administrator reviews the application for completeness and sends a copy to the Town Engineer for review. The Administrator may send the application to other members of the Technical Advisory Committee for their review and comment. Within 20 days of the submittal, the Administrator reviews the proposal, assembles comments from the Town Engineer and other reviewers, and meets with the applicant to discuss the proposed subdivision and possible modifications required to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)