(A)   The proposed heliport and all accessory facilities and equipment must be constructed, operated, and maintained according to the published rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Indiana Department of Transportation, Aviation Programs Division.
   (B)   The proposed heliport and all accessory facilities and equipment must conform to NFPA Standard 418, Standards for Heliports, 2006 Edition, except for Section 9.1.2, exempting certain heliports from the requirement to be equipped with portable fire extinguishers, does not apply. Portable fire extinguishers are required at all heliports, located, and stored in a manner approved by the Fire Marshal.
   (C)   The use must be located on a lot with a minimum area of ten acres.
   (D)   The touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF), as defined in Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 150/5390-2B, or any successor advisory circular, must comply with the following minimum separation distances from:
      (1)   The boundary of any property zoned Industrial Marshal (I-1): 150 feet;
      (2)   The boundary of property in any other zoning district: 300 feet;
      (3)   A building on property, other than property owned by the applicant, zoned Industrial (I-1): 200 feet;
      (4)   A building on property in any other zoning district: 500 feet.
   (E)   A helicopter must not remain in operation on the ground for longer than necessary for startup/shutdown, loading and otherwise essential ground operations (generally no longer than five minutes).
   (F)   As a condition of special exception approval, the Board of Zoning Appeals may impose limits on:
      (1)   The size and type of rotorcraft permitted to use the facility;
      (2)   The allowable hours of use of the facility;
      (3)   The frequency of helicopter operations permitted at the facility; and
      (4)   The location, design, type, size, and use of any exterior lighting, buildings, fuel storage, or other equipment or facilities associated with the heliport.
   (G)   The provisions of this section do not apply to emergency operations conducted by law enforcement, public safety agencies, or emergency medical service providers.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 7-19-2022)