(A)   It shall be the duty of the Director of Development and/or Director of Development's designee(s). to inspect from time to time the various real estate lying within the corporate limits of the town, and if it is found that garbage, trash or other waste and rank elements are on the lots, it shall be the Director of Development and/or Director of Development's designee(s) duty to ascertain the names of the owners, occupants or lessees of the property and notify the owners, occupants or lessees, in writing, that the garbage, trash or other waste and rank elements shall be removed or otherwise destroyed within 14 calendar days after service of the notice. Notice shall be sent to the owner of record as the name and address appears on the tax statement from the County Treasurer's Office, by certified mail and/or regular mail. Notice shall be given by mailing to occupants or lessees, if any, by certified mail and/or regular mail, by personal service or by leaving a copy of the notice at a residence if there is a residence on the lot.
   (B)   If notice cannot be given to the owner by certified or regular mail, the Director of Development and/or Director of Development's designee(s) shall give notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least once each week for two successive weeks.
(Ord. 1992-8, passed 10-13-1992; Ord. 2014-09, passed 6-10-2014; Ord. 2018-18, passed 5-29-2018)