(A)   The Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, at its discretion, may implement a police reserve officer program for the Police Department, pursuant to I.C. 36-8-3-20.
   (B)   The number of police reserve officers in the police reserve officer program shall not exceed ten police reserve officers at any one time.
   (C)   The police reserve officers shall be appointed by the Board. Police reserve officers may not be members of the regular Police Department (the “Department”) but shall have all of the same police powers as regular members of the Department, except as limited by the rules of the Department.
   (D)   The Department may adopt rules to limit the authority of police reserve officers.
   (E)   (1)   The Department shall furnish at the town’s expense the following items:
         (a)   Duty weapon.
         (b)   Department identification.
         (c)   Department badge.
         (d)   Body armor.
      (2)   All such items shall remain the property of the town.
   (F)   At the discretion of the Chief of Police and with the concurrence of the Metropolitan Board of Police Commissioners, to the extent that money is appropriated for the following item(s), police reserve officers may receive a uniform allowance.
   (G)   Police reserve officers are not eligible to participate in any pension program provided for regular members of the Department.
   (H)   A police reserve officer may not be appointed until he or she has completed the training and probationary period specified by rules of the Department.
   (I)   A reserve police officer appointed by the Department may not make an arrest, conduct a search or seizure of property, or carry a firearm; unless the police reserve officer successfully completes the pre-basic course under I.C. 5-2-1-9(f).
(Ord. 2011-8, passed 5-10-2011)