(A)   Except when acting in self-defense, as that term is defined under state law, no person shall discharge a firearm within any park property, park facility on any trail.
   (B)   Crossbow, bow and arrows, spear, spear gun, harpoon, BB guns, air or gas weapon or any device capable of injuring or killing any person or animal, or damaging or destroying any public or private property are strictly prohibited in any park. This prohibition does not prohibit the possession/use of the following items in the following situation:
      (1)   Kitchen utensils customarily used for food preparation or dining.
      (2)   Knives, hatchets or axes used on wood, kindling or other material brought into a park by scouts or other groups upon written permission from the Department.
      (3)   Firework displays by a group permitted by the Department and the Bargersville Fire Department.
(Ord. 2011-10, passed 6-14-2011; Ord. 2023-06, passed 3-21-2023)