General Provisions
112.01 Definitions
112.02 Permits
112.03 Placarding or public display of grade notice
112.04 Examination and condemnation of unwholesome or adulterated food or drink
112.05 Inspection of food establishments
112.06 Grading of food establishments
112.07 Grades of food establishments which may operate
112.08 Reinstatement of permit; supplementary regrading
112.09 Disease control
112.10 Procedure when infection suspected
112.11 Enforcement interpretation
Mobile Food Vendors
112.25 Permit required
112.26 Permit application
112.27 Limitation on permit duration
112.28 Regulations
112.29 Permit review
112.30 Public place mobile food vending
112.31 Private property mobile food vending
112.32 Permit conditions
112.33 Parking
112.34 Signage
112.35 Health regulation
112.36 Miscellaneous regulations
112.37 Immunity
112.99 Penalty