§ 206.02 FIRST WARD.
   The First Ward shall contain that territory bounded and described as follows: beginning at the intersection of Wooster Road W. and Burt Street; thence northwesterly on the centerline of Burt Street to the centerline of N. Summit Street; thence northerly on the centerline of N. Summit Street to the centerline of Mitchell Street; thence westerly on the centerline of Mitchell Street to the centerline of Newton Avenue; thence southerly on the centerline of Newton Avenue to the centerline of W. Way Street; thence westerly along the W. Way Street to the centerline of Madison Avenue; thence northerly to the centerline of Huntsberger Drive extended; thence northwesterly on the centerline of Huntsberger Drive extended to the west corporation line; thence northerly on the west corporation line to the north corporation line; thence easterly a distance of 762.96 feet along the north corporation line to the west corporation line; thence in a generally northerly direction along the west corporation line to the north corporation line; thence easterly along the north corporation line also known as the south line of property owned by Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery, to the east corporation line; thence southerly along said east corporation line to the north corporation line; thence in a generally easterly direction along the north corporation line to the centerline of Mud Run; thence southerly along the centerline of Mud Run to the north corporation line; thence in a generally easterly direction along the north corporation line to the easterly corporation line; thence southerly along the east corporation line and the centerline of Cordelia Avenue to the centerline of the Ohio Canal; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Canal and the corporation line; thence southerly along the corporation line to its intersection with the east extension of Fairview Avenue; thence southerly along the east corporation line to the north line of the Homewood Ranch Allotment (1st Addition); thence easterly along the north line of said allotment to the southwest corner of Lot 180; thence northerly along the west line of Lot 180 to the northwest corner of Lot 180; thence easterly along the north line of Lot 180 to the northeast corner of Lot 179; thence southerly along the east line of Lot 179 to the northwest corner of Lot 154 of the Homewood Ranch Allotment; thence easterly along the north line of Lot 154 to the northeast corner of Lot 155; thence southerly along the east line of Lot 155 to the centerline of Homewood Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Homewood Avenue to the centerline of E. State Street; thence southeasterly along the centerline of E. State Street to the centerline of E. Huston Street; thence westerly along the centerline of E. Huston Street to the centerline of N. Van Buren Avenue; thence southwesterly along the centerline of N. Van Buren Avenue to the centerline of E. Tuscarawas Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of E. Tuscarawas Avenue to the centerline of the Ohio Canal; thence northeasterly along the centerline of the Canal to the centerline of Fairview Avenue; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Fairview Avenue to the centerline of High Street; thence north-northeasterly along the centerline of High Street to the centerline of Wooster Road North; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Wooster Road North to the place of beginning.
(Prior Code, § 206.02) (Ord. 7-2013, passed 2-25-2013)