(A)   An Arson Bureau is hereby established and the same shall be incorporated into the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Division of Fire. Such Bureau shall be operated under the supervision of the Fire Marshal, or such other fire officer as designated by the Fire Chief. The Fire Marshal, as provided in § 1604.06 of this chapter, shall perform any and all duties in the Arson Bureau required by the Fire Chief or his or her designee.
   (B)   The Fire Marshal, or his or her designee, is hereby charged with the responsibility of being present at all fires, investigating the causes thereof, examining witnesses, compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers, and performing all other acts necessary to the effective discharge of such duties as stated in Ohio R.C. 737.27.
(Prior Code, § 1604.14) (Ord. 106-1999, passed 5-10-1999)