An application for annexation must be made on forms provided by the Commission and must include the following material:
(A) Written consent to the annexation signed by the requisite number of affected property owners, electors, or both within the area to be annexed, as provided by state law;
(B) A metes and bounds legal description or acceptable alternative legal description of the territory to be annexed as certified by the Washington County Assessor’s office;
(C) The County Assessor’s quarter section map(s) showing the proposed annexed area and adjacent city territory;
(D) General land use plan indicating types and intensities of proposed development, transportation corridors, watercourses, significant natural features, open space, freeways and adjoining development;
(E) A detailed statement of overall development concept and methods by which physical and related social environment of the site, surrounding area, and community will be enhanced;
(F) A detailed statement of additional facilities required to meet any increased demand and a plan for the phasing in of any such facilities in accordance with the projected demand;
(G) A detailed statement outlining method and source of financing required will be made available in a timely manner to the hearing body to show how the applicant plans to provide any required additional facilities;
(H) A detailed statement of availability, capacity, and status of existing water, sewer, drainage, transportation, park and school facilities;
(I) Comprehensive narrative of potential negative physical, aesthetic, and related social effects of the proposed development on the community as a whole and on the smaller subcommunity or neighborhood that it will become a part of; and proposed actions to mitigate the effects;
(J) Narrative demonstrating need for the urban development proposed for the annexation area; need should be demonstrated based upon a factual analysis of the following factors:
(1) Availability within the current city limits of undeveloped land designated for proposed urban development;
(2) Analysis of immediate, short-term (1 to 5 years) demand for proposed urban development; and
(3) Probable phasing of proposed urban development consistent with projected demand for the period that the annexation area is expected to be developed.
(K) List of property owners (printed on self-adhesive labels) within 300 feet of the exterior boundary of the annexation property; the list shall be based on the latest tax assessment records at the Washington County Department of Assessment and Taxation and legible scale drawing of the site.
(Ord. 102500, passed 10-25-2000)