The grantee shall maintain maps and data pertaining to the location of grantee facilities on file at its corporate offices or at an office in Oregon. The city may inspect the maps (excluding the grantee’s proprietary information) at any time during the grantee’s business hours upon 24 hours prior notice. Upon request of the city and without charge, the grantee shall furnish current maps to the city by electronic data in read-only format showing the general location of grantee facilities, excluding the grantee’s proprietary information. Unless required by law, the city will not sell or provide the grantee’s prepared maps or data to third parties without written permission from the grantee. Upon request of the grantee, the city will make available to the grantee a nominal number of relevant city prepared maps or data in the format existing in the city records at the time at no charge to the grantee. Additional requests for maps or data, or requests for maps or data in a format existing in the city records at the time will be satisfied at the current rate charged by the city for such services, except where as part of the permitting process the city has required that the grantee provide maps that include the location of facilities owned or under the jurisdiction of the city.
(Ord. 2010-03-01, passed 3-10-2010; Ord. 2010-04-01, passed 5-13-2010)