(A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      KEEPER. Any person, who owns or is in physical possession, controls, or otherwise has charge of an animal.
      PERMIT. Shall include conduct by the keeper of an animal, which is intentional, deliberate, careless, inadvertent, or negligent.
   (B)   It shall be a violation for a keeper to:
      (1)   Permit a dog or livestock to become at large;
      (2)   Permit a dog to chase a vehicle or person;
      (3)   Permit a dog to scatter garbage;
      (4)   Keep a vicious animal. It shall be an affirmative defense that an animal bites, attacks, or menaces a trespasser on the property of its keeper or anyone wrongfully assaulting that animal or its keeper;
      (5)   Permit any animal to cause unreasonable annoyance, alarm, or noise disturbance at any time of the day or night by repeated barking, whining, screeching, howling, braying, or other such sounds which may be heard beyond the boundary of the keeper’s property;
      (6)   Leave an animal unattended for more than 24 consecutive hours without adequate food, water, shelter, care, or supervision. Shelter shall include a structure or other means of protection from the weather and injury;
      (7)   Physically mistreat any animal either by deliberate abuse or neglect to furnish adequate care, including medical attention;
      (8)   Permit an animal, including horses, to damage or destroy property of persons other than the keeper;
      (9)   Permit bees to live in any space other than moveable frame hives, fail to register the hives with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, to abandon any colonies, or to keep diseased bees;
      (10)   Fail to promptly remove excrement or other solid waste deposited by a any domesticated animal in any area not designated to receive the wastes, including but not limited to public areas such as streets, sidewalks, parking strips, public parks, and any private property owned by a person or persons other than the property of the keeper of the animal; and/or
      (11)   Permit a dog to injure or kill a pet or domestic animal as defined in O.R.S. 167.310(4).
(Ord. 61.01, passed 1-8-2002)