(A)   No animal shall be confined within or on a motor vehicle at any location under the conditions as may endanger the health or well being of the animal, including but not limited to dangerous temperature, lack of food, water or attention, or confinement with a dangerous animal.
   (B)   Any animal control or peace officer is authorized to remove any animal from a motor vehicle at any location when he or she reasonably believes it is confined in violation of division (A) above. Any animal so removed shall be impounded as provided by the relevant chapter of the Washington County Code. The removing officer shall leave written notice of the removal and delivery, including the officer’s name in a conspicuous, secure location on or within the vehicle. The additional notice as may be required by Washington County Code shall be given upon impoundment of the removed animal.
   (C)   Neither the city nor any animal control or peace offer shall be held criminally or civilly liable for action pursuant to the section, provided he or she acts in good faith or probable cause and without malice.
(Ord. 61.01, passed 1-8-2002) Penalty, see § 91.99