(A)   The City Commission shall retain a City Attorney who shall be the legal counsel for the city. He or she shall be an attorney licensed to practice in the commonwealth. He or she shall be chosen solely on the basis of his or her legal qualifications, with special emphasis on actual experience in or knowledge of municipal and administrative law of the commonwealth. The City Attorney may also engage in the private practice of law and may hold other public or private employment.
   (B)   The City Attorney shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to him or her by statute, this chapter, and such other municipal responsibilities delegated from time to time. He or she shall attend meetings of the City Commission, as required, shall advise the City Commission and all other city officers and employees in all legal matters pertaining to their municipal duties or affecting the interests of the city, shall appear for and defend the city in all legal actions and administrative proceedings in which the city is a party or is interested, shall institute legal action for and on behalf of the city wherever necessary for protection or enforcement of rights or interests of the city, shall prepare and examine ordinances, resolutions, orders, and legal instruments as the Commission may direct, and generally shall attend to all legal business of the city.
   (C)   In addition to the monthly retainer, the City Attorney may receive additional compensation as an independent contractor for all matters beyond the scope of usual legal counsel to the city or requiring an unusual amount of time. For such extraordinary services, the City Attorney shall be paid reasonable fees commensurate with the amount and value of time devoted thereto, based upon charges made by other attorneys for comparable legal services.
(Prior Code, § 31.45)