(A)   Establishment. The Office of City Engineer is hereby established.
   (B)   Appointment and qualifications. The City Engineer shall be appointed by the City Commission and may be removed by the Commission at will.
   (C)   Oath; bond. No person shall be appointed or act as the City Engineer unless such person has taken the oath required by § 228 of the Constitution of the commonwealth and has provided a bond, if required, in the sum as established by City Commission, with corporate surety authorized to transact business in the commonwealth and conditioned upon the performance of the duties specified herein.
   (D)   Duties and powers. The City Engineer shall advise the City Commission on all matters relating to the maintenance and improvement of streets, alleys, and other public ways, and on matters which may be deemed necessary for the public good, welfare, and convenience, including matters pertaining to sewers and culverts, and shall perform such work and services in connection therewith, as may be assigned him or her by the City Commission.
   (E)   Compensation. The compensation of the City Engineer shall be in an amount to be established by City Commission by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 31.38)