(A)   Every physician, after his or her first professional attendance upon a person bitten by an animal shall, within 12 hours, report to the Commonwealth Health Department the name, age, sex, color, and precise location of the person so bitten. When no physician is in attendance, the parent or guardian of every child so bitten shall, within 12 hours after first having knowledge that the child was so bitten, make like report to the Commonwealth Health Department. When no physician is in attendance, an adult so bitten or the person caring for him or her, shall make like report to the Commonwealth Health Department.
   (B)   The Commonwealth Health Department shall serve notice upon the owner of an animal which has attacked or bitten a person to confine the animal at the expense of the owner upon his or her premises, at the City of Louisville Pound, or at some other place designated in the notice, for a period of at least 14 days after the animal has attacked or bitten a person. The Commonwealth Health Department shall be permitted by the owner of such animal which has attacked or bitten a person to examine the premises where such animal is ordered confined at any time, and daily if desired, within the 14-day period of confinement, to determine whether such animal is being confined, and no person shall obstruct or interfere with the Commonwealth Health Department in making such inspection.
(Prior Code, § 90.34) (Ord. 3-1977, passed 3-3-1977) Penalty, see § 90.99