(A)   Matters to be disclosed by all elected city officers or candidates for office on the disclosure forms shall include:
      (1)   City office held or sought;
      (2)   Names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of city officer/candidate and spouse;
      (3)   Occupation, business addresses, and telephone numbers of city officer/candidate and spouse;
      (4)   The location of any real property other than the primary residence within the city in which the city officer/candidate or spouse has an ownership or other financial interest in excess of $1,000;
      (5)   The name of any business, of which the city officer or spouse is an officer, director, employee, or partner, or in which the city officer or spouse legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of any outstanding stock or has a proprietary interest, and the spouse’s position, if any, with the business, if any such entity has engaged within the past 12 months, or which is anticipated to have any business dealings with the city; and
      (6)   The name of any person from whom the city officer/candidate, or his or her spouse, has derived during the previous calendar year, any income or other financial benefit, in excess of $1,000 whereby such income or other financial benefit was derived from business dealings with the city.
   (B)   Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any officer or candidate to disclose any specific dollar amounts nor the names of individual clients or customers of businesses listed as sources of income.
(Prior Code, § 37.39) (Ord. 5-1994, passed 12-8-1994; Ord. 5-1996, passed 11-14-1996)