Every officer and employee of the city shall comply with the following standards of conduct in divisions (A) through (C) below.
   (A)   An elected or nonelected officer or employee of the city shall not intentionally participate in the discussion of, vote, or make a decision in his or her official capacity on any matter:
      (1)   In which the officer or employee, or any family member, or business associate will derive a direct monetary gain or suffer a direct monetary loss as a result of the officer’s or employee’s vote or decision; or
      (2)   Which relates specifically to a business in which the officer or employee owns or controls an interest of $10,000 or more, or an interest of more than 5%.
   (B)   No officer or employee shall be deemed in violation of any provision in this section if, by reason of the officer’s or employee’s participation, vote, decision, action, or inaction, no financial benefit accrues to the officer or employee, a family member, an outside employer, or business, as a member of any business, occupation, profession, or other group, to any greater extent than any gain could reasonably be expected to accrue to any other member of the business, occupation, profession, or other group.
   (C)   Every officer or employee who has a prohibited financial interest which the officer or employee believes or has reason to believe may be affected by his or her participation, vote, decision, or other action taken within the scope of his or her public duties shall disclose the precise nature and value of the interest, in writing, to the governing body of the city, and the disclosure shall be entered on the official record of the proceedings of the governing body. The officer or employee shall refrain from taking any action with respect to the matter that is the subject of the disclosure.
(Prior Code, § 37.20) (Ord. 5-1994, passed 12-8-1994) Penalty, see § 37.999