General use of the Baltic River Park is free to all residents of the city, city school district, civic, charitable, or other organizations or groups of or from the city, and all persons residing within a three-mile radius of the city limits, subject to regulations in force and from time to time revised by the City Council. However, free park use and privileges shall not extend to groups or organizations of or from locations out of the city though a resident or residents of the city shall be members of or be included therein. All such groups or organizations shall not be considered a part of this section but shall be subject to the provisions of § 94.03. Additionally, no individual or group activity in the park shall interfere with free access to the park and park facilities by any other person not a part of the individual or group activity.
(Prior Code, § 6.0501)
Statutory reference:
   Similar state provisions, see SDCL § 9-38-1