(A)   Injury to private trees. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, transplant, cut trim, break, mark, cover, or in any way or manner injure or cause disease to any tree of another, or otherwise make any attachments to any tree of another by way of wire, string, nails, rope, or the like.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0411)
   (B)   Injury while Moving. No person shall move any structure or other article along any street, alley, or public way in such a manner so as to cause potential injury to any tree. If any such movement requires trimming or removal of any tree, any such trimming or removal shall be done by a licensed arborist under the supervision or direction of the Tree Board, at the cost of the person doing the moving. Should tree injury or death result from anyone violating this section, that person shall, at his or her expense, correct or replace the tree, and be subject to prosecution for violation hereof.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0412) Penalty, see § 93.99