§ 93.38 ABATEMENT.
   (A)   Order to abate. When the determination is made that one of the items constituting a public nuisance is in existence, the Tree Board shall cause a written order to abate or correct the nuisance to be given to the owner or inhabitant of the property involved. The order shall effectively describe the remedy needed and shall give the owner or inhabitant a designated reasonable time, depending on the severity or emergency of the situation, to correct the problem, whether it be by treatment, pruning, removal, or other remedy. The time shall be as determined by the Tree Board, but shall not be less than three days. Service shall be in such a manner to reasonably assure delivery.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0406)
   (B)   Appeal. Any person, owner, or inhabitant of any property feeling aggrieved by receipt of an order described in division (A) above may appeal said order to the City Council as described in § 93.05(E). Appeals must be taken within the time stated in the order and preferably by the next City Council meeting. If the Council chooses to hear the appeal, it may affirm, modify, or revoke the order.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0407)
   (C)   Failure to comply. Any person failing to comply with an order given pursuant to division (A) above, shall be in violation of this chapter and shall be subject to prosecution therefor. In addition the City Council, at the recommendation of the Tree Board, shall have the authority to prevent, abate, or otherwise remove the public nuisance in existence.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0408)
   (D)   Cost of abatement - assessment. If the city is forced to abate the nuisance and correct the situation, whatever it might be, upon the city’s completion thereof, the Municipal Finance Officer shall bill the property owner or inhabitant therefor, and the bill shall be paid within 30 days of receipt thereof. If the bill is not so paid within the time stated, the city may defray the cost of abating the public nuisance plus accrued interest, by taxing the cost thereof by special assessment against the property on which the nuisance occurred. The levying of such a special assessment shall not relieve the owner or inhabitant from prosecution or fine for violation of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0410)