(A)   Boulevard trees. The care, maintenance, pruning, and removal of trees planted on any city boulevard after the planting thereof has been approved by the City Tree Board, shall continue to be the responsibility of the private property owner or his or her successor who has planted the tree. While the Tree Board has jurisdiction over boulevard trees, the cost of planting, care, pruning, removal, and the like is the responsibility of the private property owner.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0303)
   (B)   Distances. Trees planted on or near public ground and boulevards shall comply with the following distance regulations:
      (1)   No tree shall be planted where the distance between any two human-made improvements, such as curb and sidewalk, is less than four feet;
      (2)   No tree shall be planted or permitted to grow so close to any curb, sidewalk, or public structure or improvement, such that it interferes with vehicular traffic or parking, pedestrian movement along the walkway, or such that it touches or crowds the public structure or improvement;
      (3)   No tree shall be planted within 50 feet of the center of any intersection;
      (4)   No tree shall be planted within ten feet of any fireplug or water hydrant;
      (5)   No tree shall be planted so that its natural growth will eventually interfere with any above ground utility wire; and
      (6)   No tree shall be planted within five feet of any underground water, sewer, or other utility line.
(Prior Code, § 7A.0304) Penalty, see § 93.99