(A)   Any animal held or impounded shall be released to the owner thereof upon payment or reimbursement of all costs incurred by the city, the Animal Control Officer, the animal shelter, or its authorized representatives in capturing, restraining, and impounding the animal, including, but not limited to: travel expenses in the event a special trip or trips is required at times other than normal patrol within the city, the cost of tranquilizer darts and related apparatus, meals, supplies, boarding fees and costs, plus the impoundment fee as set out below:
      (1)   First violation - $30;
      (2)   Second violation within a 12-month period - $50; and
      (3)   Third and subsequent violations within a 12-month period - see general penalty in § 90.999.
   (B)   The daily boarding costs, veterinary services, and impoundment fee are in addition to any penalties, which may be imposed for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 2.0403)