(A)   Every dog, cat, or other animal susceptible to rabies, held as a domestic pet in the city, six months of age or older, is hereby required to be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian or other qualified person designated by the Animal Control Officer. Vaccinations against rabies shall be given at the following intervals, either multi-year or one-year, recommended by the Center for Disease Control:
      (1)   Multi-year rabies vaccinations:
         (a)   Primary vaccination at age 12 weeks to 6 months;
         (b)   Vaccination one year after the primary vaccination; and
         (c)   Vaccinations every three years thereafter.
      (2)   One-year rabies vaccinations:
         (a)   Primary vaccination at age 12 weeks to 6 months;
         (b)   Vaccination one year after the primary vaccination; and
         (c)   Vaccinations every year thereafter.
   (B)   Any owner acquiring a dog, cat, or other animal by purchase, gift, birth, or otherwise shall have such animal vaccinated against rabies within one month following acquisition or when the animal reaches the age of six months. The animal shall thereafter be required to receive vaccinations at intervals set forth in this section.
(Prior Code, § 2.0302) Penalty, see § 90.999