(A)   At any meeting after adoption of the budget, total appropriations may be amended by the City Council by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council.
   (B)   (1)   For transfers of appropriations within the same cost center program, such transfers in an amount less than $10,000 may be approved by the department head, and such transfers up to $15,000 may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer. For amounts greater than $15,000, City Council approval is required.
      (2)   For transfer of appropriations related to contracts approved under the Chief Executive Officer authority, such transfers may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer authority in conformity with §§ 34.26 and 34.37
   (C)   Transfers up to $15,000 between cost center programs may be approved by the City Manager. For amounts greater than $15,000, City Council approval is required.
   (D)   All transfers of appropriations in accordance with subsections (B) and (C) above shall be within the same fund.
   (E)   Any transfer of appropriations from one fund to another fund is considered a new appropriation requiring a budget amendment, and such appropriations must be approved by the City Council by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council.
   (F)   All transfers made pursuant to the above provisions shall be submitted to the City Council for informational purposes.
(‘83 Code, § 3.04.060) (Ord. 845, passed - -82; Am. Ord. 1130, passed 4-15-98; Am. Ord. 1509, passed 5-15-24)