For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   HOST or HOLD. The sponsoring of a party at any location within the city.
   INDUSTRIAL ZONE. Any area of the city within an industrial zone as indicated on the city's official zone map.
   INVITATION-AT-LARGE PARTY. Any party to which the public-at-large has been invited as provided herein.
   INVITATION. Any oral or written notice of the time, date and location of a party.
   PARTY. Any social gathering at which 12 or more people are in attendance.
   PUBLIC PLACE. Any location generally accessible to the public.
   RESIDENTIAL ZONE. Any area of the city within a residential zone as indicated on the city's official zone map.
   SOCIAL GATHERING. Any gathering at which alcoholic beverages are consumed and the predominant purpose of the gathering is social.
('83 Code, § 9.40.010) (Ord. 1061, passed - -93)