All massage practitioners authorized to perform out-call massage services hereunder shall keep a separate written record, at the massage practitioner's principal place of business, of all out-call massage services performed. The record shall include, but not be limited to the dates and hours of each treatment or service, the full name and complete address of the patron, the name of practitioner administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the out-call massage practitioner to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition which may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any out-call massage or treatment and shall be retained for a period of 24 months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this chapter or emergency personnel for emergency purposes and for no other purpose. The Police Department may periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this section. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this chapter, or any other applicable state or federal laws and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the city shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 1233, passed 5-4-04)