For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL HANDBILL. Any handbill which is distributed for the primary purpose of advertising for sale or lease, goods, wares, merchandise or services or any other commercial activity.
   HANDBILL. A printed (including all forms of reproduced writing) paper or circular, which is circulated or distributed, other than by the United States Postal Service, for the purpose of advertising for sale or lease, goods, wares, merchandise or services, or soliciting order therefor or drawing attention, or soliciting support or opposition, to any public issue or political figure or party, partisan or nonpartisan. HANDBILL includes samples of goods, wares and merchandise. HANDBILL does not include newspapers.
   NEWSPAPER. A periodical published primarily for the dissemination of news and intelligence of a general character, which is printed and published at regular intervals.
   NONCOMMERCIAL HANDBILL. Any handbill other than a commercial handbill.
   PERMIT. A permit required pursuant to this subchapter for the distribution of commercial handbills.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Any real property located within this city which is, pursuant to Chapter 153, classified in any of the R Zones, or any property which is, notwithstanding its zoning classification, utilized for residential dwelling purposes.
('83 Code, § 5.32.010)