§ 95.5.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY. The City of Baldwin Park.
   CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. A drug, substance or immediate precursor as defined in Cal. Health and Safety Code § 11007, or any controlled substance analog as defined in Cal. Health and Safety Code § 11401.
   DEPARTMENT. The Police Department of the City of Baldwin Park.
   ILLEGAL DUMPING. The dumping, depositing, placing or burying of any solid waste in or upon any lot, land or public place, or in any water or waterway, unless such place of disposal is used by the city for a disposal or reclamation site or such solid waste is deposited in a receptacle intended to be used for the disposal of such solid waste.
     OWNER. The last registered and legal owner of record of the vehicle that is used to illegally dump solid waste or which is used by any person who acquires, or attempts to acquire, a controlled substance or who solicits or agrees to engage, or engages in, an act of prostitution, or who engages in pimping or pandering, as such owner is shown on records of the Department of Motor Vehicles or similar state entity.
   PANDERING. The acts prohibited by Cal. Penal Code § 266i.
   PIMPING. The acts prohibited by Cal. Penal Code § 266h.
   PROSTITUTION. The acts prohibited by Cal. Penal Code § 647(b).
   SOLID WASTE. Garbage, hazardous waste, refuse, and rubbish as those terms are defined in § 50.01 of this Code.
   VEHICLE. A vehicle as defined in Cal. Vehicle Code § 670.
(Ord. 1218, passed 11-19-03)