For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPLICANT. The qualified organization (as defined below) or the qualified organizations, if a joint application is filed, upon whose behalf an application for a permit (as defined below) is filed.
   DANGEROUS FIREWORKS. Shall be defined as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 12505.
   FIREWORKS. Shall be defined as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 12511.
   FIREWORKS BANK ACCOUNT. An account at a financial institution used solely for moneys related to the sale of safe and sane fireworks pursuant to a permit granted pursuant to this chapter.
   FIREWORKS STANDS. Temporary structures to be used exclusively for the sale of safe and sane fireworks operated by qualified organizations having a permit issued pursuant to this subchapter.
   QUALIFIED ORGANIZATION. Any local nonprofit organization, corporation, association, or group, consisting of ten or more persons organized primarily to support veterans or youths, including through youth sports, which meets at least once quarterly within the city. The majority of the members of the organization must either reside, or be employed by or maintain a business, in the city. To meet this definition, proof the organization is organized primarily to support youths or veterans must be provided prior to being deemed a qualified organization. For a youth organization, such proof shall be in the form of a report consisting of at least one year of complete financial statements demonstrating at least 60% of all gross expenditures for the immediately preceding fiscal year of that organization were spent directly for the support of youths, including through youth sports. For a veteran organization, such proof shall be in the form of a report consisting of at least one year of complete financial statements demonstrating at least 60% of all gross expenditures for the preceding fiscal year of that organization were spent directly for charitable causes supportive of veterans.
   PERMIT. A validly issued permit allowing a qualified organization to conduct the sale, to the members of the general public, of safe and sane fireworks.
   SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS. Shall be defined as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code §12529.
(‘83 Code, § 8.20.010) (Ord. 1066, passed - - 93; Am. Ord. 1256, passed 2-16-05; Am. Ord. 1324, passed 4-1-09; Am. Ord. 1327, passed 4-29-09; Am. Ord. 1328, passed 5-6-09; Am. Ord. 1372, passed 3-18-15)