An administrative citation may be issued by any of the following means:
   (A)   Personal service of the citation on the responsible person; the responsible person is required to sign a copy of the administrative citation showing his or her receipt, but his or her failure to do so shall have no effect on the enforcement of the citation; or
   (B)   Mailing the administrative citation by registered or certified mail, provided, however, that if such registered or certified mail is refused, the administrative citation may then be served by first class mail, to the owner(s) of the property on which the code violation occurred at the address(es) shown on the latest equalized assessment roll, or to the responsible person at the address of the property on which the code violation occurred; or
   (C)   If the code violation is property related, posting a copy of the administrative citation on the subject property in a conspicuous place, provided, however, that if the administrative citation is issued by posting, the enforcement officer shall also mail, by first class mail, a copy of the administrative citation to the property owner(s) at the address(es) shown on the latest equalized assessment roll, and, if the responsible person is other than the property owner, to the responsible person at the address of the subject property.
(Ord. 1282, passed 3-1-06)