(A) Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, violations of this chapter may further be deemed to be a public nuisance, which may be abated by administrative, civil, or criminal action in accordance with the terms and provisions of this code and state law.
(B) All costs and fees incurred by the city as a result of any violation of this chapter which constitute a nuisance, including all administrative fees and expenses and legal fees and expenses, shall become a lien against the subject premises from which the nuisance emanated and a personal obligation against the owner, in accordance with Cal. Gov't Code §§ 38773.1 and 38773.5. The owner of record of the premises subject to any lien shall receive notice of the lien prior to recording, as required by Cal. Gov't Code § 38773.1. The City Attorney is authorized to collect nuisance abatement costs and enforce a nuisance lien in an action brought for money judgment, or by delivery to the County Assessor of a special assessment against the premises in accordance with the conditions and requirements of Cal. Gov't Code § 38773.5.
(Ord. 1193, passed 8-21-02)