Ord. No.
Date Passed
Description |
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Description |
1077 | 4-20-94 | Rezoning certain property located at 3567-3609 Big Dalton Avenue from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-1(PD), Single-Family Residential Planned Overlay Zone. |
1090 | 12-7-94 | Rezoning certain property located at 14874-78 Pacific Avenue from R-1, Single-Family Residential District to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial Zone. |
1132 | 6-17-98 | Rezoning certain property located at 12900-12916 Ramona Boulevard (Case No. Z-508) from C-2, General Commercial to R-1, Single-Family Residential District. |
1141 | 7-21-99 | Rezoning certain property located 440 Cloverleaf Drive (Case No. Z-509) from IC (PD), Industrial Commercial (Planned Development) to IC (PD) (O), Industrial Commercial (Planned Development) Outdoor Advertising Overlay Zone. |
1143 | 7-21-99 | Rezoning certain property located 3251 Patritti Avenue (Case No. Z-510) from OS, Open Space to C-1 (O), Neighborhood Commercial, Outdoor Advertising Overlay. |
1144 | 7-21-99 | Rezoning certain property located northwest corner of the I-10 and I-605 freeways within the Southern California Edison right-of-way (Case No. Z-511) from OS, Open Space to I-C (O), General Manufacturing, Outdoor Advertising Overlay Zone. |
1160 | 5-17-00 | Rezoning certain property located at 13329 Garvey Avenue (Case No. Z-513) from IC, Industrial Commercial to IC (O), Industrial Sierra Vista Overlay. |
1162 | 2-21-01 | Rezoning certain property located at 12911-12921 Garvey Avenue from OI, Office Industrial to OI (O), Office Industrial Sierra Vista Overlay. |
1167 | 11-1-00 | Rezoning certain property located at 12670 Ramona Boulevard from C-2, General Commercial to C-2 (O), General Commercial Outdoor Advertising District Overlay. |
1172 | 2-28-01 | Rezoning certain property located at 12999 Garvey Avenue from FC, Freeway Commercial to FC (O), Freeway Commercial Sierra Vista Overlay. |
1173 | 2-21-01 | Rezoning certain property located at Dalewood Street, south of the I-10 San Bernardino Freeway, adjacent to the Southern California right-of-way, from OI, Office Industrial to OI (O), Office Industrial Sierra Vista Overlay. |
1174 | 2-21-01 | Rezoning certain property located at 843 Frazier from OI, Office Industrial to OI (O), Office Industrial Sierra Vista Overlay. |
1175 | 4-4-01 | Rezoning certain property located at 5110 Maine Avenue from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial to R-1, Single Family Residential. |
1176 | 4-18-01 | Rezoning certain real property located at 12800-12806 Dalewood Street from O-I, Office Industrial, to R-1, Single-Family Residential. |
1197 | 12-18-02 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3722-3736 Merced Avenue from RG, Residential Garden to RG (PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1198 | 11-20-02 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3714½-3728 Maine Avenue from R-1, Single Family Residential to R-1 (PD), Single Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1200 | 12-4-02 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3933 Bresee Avenue from RG, Residential Garden to RG (PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1202 | 5-7-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4611 Maine Avenue from RG, Residential Garden to RG(PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1205 | 7-30-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4751 Center Street from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-1(PD), Single-Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1206 | 7-2-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 14564 Pacific Avenue from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial to RG, Residential Garden. |
1207 | 6-2-04 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3111 Baldwin Park Boulevard from IC, Industrial Commercial to C-2, General Commercial. |
1208 | 7-16-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3102-3106 Frazier Street from RG, Residential Garden to RG(PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1211 | 7-30-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 13356-13358 Ramona Boulevard from C-2, General Commercial to RG, Residential Garden. |
1222 | 12-3-03 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4316 Walnut Street from RG, Residential Garden to RG(PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1224 | 4-7-04 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3948-58 Baldwin Park Blvd. from RG, Residential Garden to RG(PD) Residential Garden Planned Development. |
1227 | 3-3-04 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3224 - 3250 Baldwin Park Boulevard from R-1, Single-Family Residential to RG, Residential Garden. |
1228 | 3-3-04 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3948 - 3958 Baldwin Park Boulevard from RG, Residential Garden RG(PD), Residential Garden Planned Development District Overlay. |
1247 | 9-29-04 | Rezoning certain real property located at Dart Street from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-3(PD) Multi-Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1251 | 2-16-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3773-3779 Bresee Street from RG, Residential Garden to RG(PD) Residential Garden Planned Development. |
1253 | 5-4-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4958 Maine Avenue from R-1, Single-Family Residential to RG(PD), Residential Garden Multi-Family with a Planned Development Overlay. |
1261 | 3-16-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 14548 Pacific Avenue from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial to RG, Residential Garden. |
1271 | 9-21-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 819 Frazier Street from OI, Office Industrial to R-1 (PD), Single- Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1272 | 9-21-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 3940 - 3948 Walnut Street from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-1 (PD), Single-Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1275 | 10-5-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4306 Center Street from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-1 (PD), Single-Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1276 | 10-5-05 | Rezoning certain real property located at 4229 - 4241 Walnut Street from R-1, Single-Family Residential to R-1 (PD), Single-Family Residential Planned Development District Overlay. |
1298 | 2-7-07 | Rezoning certain property located at 1312 - 13940 Merced Avenue, 3637 Baldwin Park Blvd. and 13821-25 Kenmore Avenue to add a specific plan overlay to the underlying R-1 and C-1 zoning. |
1319 | 6-18-08 | Rezoning certain property located at 3427-3441 Baldwin Park Blvd. to add the specific plan overlay to the underlying RG zoning. |
1368 | 1-21-15 | Rezoning property identified as parcel 4 on page 17 of map book 8552 in the Los Angeles County Assessor’s records to add a specific plan overlay to the underlying R-1 to zoning. |
1393 | 1-18-17 | Rezoning property identified as parcel numbers 8438-015-037, 8438-015-059, 8438-015-043, and 8438-015-047, from RG/RD, Residential Garden Planned Development, and MU-2, Mixed-Use 2, to R-3. High Density Residential and to apply the specific plan overlay. |
1409 | 4-18-18 | Approving zoning designations on properties within specific plan areas which are consistency edits that have been previously approved by the City Council (locations: Plan 13-01 (ROEM - Ramona Blvd./Bogart St.), Specific plan 14-01 (Indigo Project - Baldwin Park Blvd./Merced Ave.), SP 15-01 (Downtown transit oriented specific plan) and Specific plan 16-01 (Pacific Villas - Pacific Ave.); applicant city of Baldwin Park; Case Number Z-556). |
1469 | 4-6-22 | Amending the zoning map as it pertains to implementation of the Baldwin Park Downtown Specific Plan |
1507 | 8-16-23 | Amending the zoning map land use designation from single family to open space to facilitate the expansion of Barnes Park. |