(A)   Public project – as defined by the California Public Contract Code, is a project for the construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, renovation, improvement, demolition, painting, repainting, or repair of any publicly owned, leased or operated facility.
   (B)   When contracting for public projects, the city will comply with The Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures in Accordance with §§ 22000 to 22045 of the Public Contract Code. The contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
Value of Purchase
Purchase Method
PO Required
Level of Approval
Agreement Format
Under - $60,000
Written Quotes
CEO approved contract
$60,000 - $200,000
Informal bid process
City Council
City Council approved contract
Over $200,000
Formal bid
City Council
CEO approved contract, Mayor singature
   (C)   Levels of bidding required.
      (1)   Force account, negotiations, or PO – public projects up to $60,000.
      (2)   Informal bidding procedures – public projects up to $200,000:
         (a)   Notice inviting bids must be mailed to construction trade journals.
         (b)   Notice can also be provided to list created by city for category or work to be bid.
         (c)   Notice can be sent to any other contractors or construction trade journal.
         (d)   If product/service is proprietary in nature, the city can limit notice to those contract(s) that can provide such product or service.
         (e)   Notices must be sent at least ten days before the bids are due.
         (f)   Award to lowest responsible bidder.
      (3)   Formal bidding procedures – public projects over $200,000:
         (a)   Requires sealed bid procedure.
         (b)   Non-collusion affidavit-bidder of a principal contract (Exhibit B) needs to be included in the bid package.
         (c)   Notice must state time and place for receiving and opening of sealed bids.
         (d)   Notice must be published at least 14 calendar days before opening of bid in newspaper of general circulation.
         (e)   Notice must be sent electronically to publications listed in the city’s list at least 15 days before opening of bids.
         (f)   Additional notice may be provided.
         (g)   Award to lowest responsible bidder.
   (D)   Information for mailed notice. When submitting notices for bids for jobs, the following information should generally be included:
      (1)   Project title and contract number if applicable.
      (2)   Cost range.
      (3)   Location of site.
      (4)   Who is taking bids – i.e., City of Baldwin Park Public Works Department.
      (5)   Date and time bids are due.
      (6)   Contact address, phone, and e-mail.
      (7)    Architect’s/engineer’s address and phone number if applicable.
      (8)   Brief description of work to be done.
      (9)   Location where plans may be obtained and if deposit is required/refundable.
      (10)   Percentage of bid bond/percentage of performance bond/percentage of payment bond.
(Ord. 1457, passed 12-2-20; Am. Ord. 1509, passed 5-15-24)