(A)   It is hereby declared that the purpose and intent of this chapter is to regulate, control and limit public nuisances and other conditions and circumstances as herein set forth that adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the general public, and that adversely affect community appearance, orderly development and property values.
   (B)   It is further declared that the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Subchapter F, reserves the authority to municipalities to regulate land use and zoning requirements, building setback requirements, site planning and development and property line requirements, subdivision control, landscape architectural requirements; and regulate the on-site construction or instillation of modular homes.
   (C)   This subchapter shall apply to all mobile home parks and recreational vehicles located in the city.
   (D)   If any other ordinance of the city conflicts with this subchapter and the standards and regulations established herein, the higher or stricter standard or regulation shall prevail.
(Ord. 031720, passed 3-17-2020)