Seventy-Two (72) hour notice must be given of Manufactured Homes being moved in or out of the City of Baird.
Section A
Date:                      Name of Applicant:   
Owner of Lot:    
Physical Address of Lot:    
Section B
Owner of Manufactured Home:    
Description of Home (including dimensions):    
Section C
Manufacturer of Home:    
Serial # or Identification # of Home:    
Date Home Manufactured:    
Section D
Name of Manufactured Home Mover:    
Address of Manufactured Home Mover:    
State License or Permit Number:    
Copy of Movers Liability Insurance Must Be Attached to This Form
Section E
The following information must be in the form of attachments to this application:
Proposed location of lot where mobile home will be:
(1)   Legal description
(2)   Lot plan
(3)   Diagram
(4)   Exact placement of property lines and other structures
(5)   Legal plat of land that has been recorded at County Clerk’s Office
Section F
City Utilities to be Provided:
(1)   All deposits must be paid for water/sewer/sanitation
(2)   Proof showing Electrical Service is established at location
(3)   All connections must be in place correctly
(4)   Utilities must be disconnected and paid in full when moving home out
A placement permit shall be finalized by the City Council and occupancy of the manufactured home shall be authorized when:
1.   The applicant has obtained all applicable permits and inspections under this chapter.
2.   The applicant has complied with all other applicable provisions of this chapter.
3.   The City Council has inspected the placement of the manufactured home and has found its placement is in accordance with this chapter.
4.   The City Council has found that the manufacture home and its placement meet all applicable requirements of the City’s ordinances and all state laws that may be enforced by the City.
Application must be signed by manufactured home owner and owner of lot where home is to be located.
The undersigned applicant certifies that all the information provided herein, including any documents submitted herewith, is true and correct. Said applicant understands and agrees the City of Baird will rely on the information and documents provided by the applicant in determining the applicant’s compliance with all applicable ordinances, and providing false or inaccurate information to the City will be grounds for denial or revocation of the placement permit, and possible additional legal action.
Signature of Manufactured Home Owner/Owners                Date
Signature of Lot Owner/Owners                            Date
(Ord. 072115, passed 7-21-2015)