(A)   Passengers will not be allowed in on-duty Department vehicles except when official police duties are involved or by permission of the Marshal.  Officers shall discharge all passengers except authorized personnel prior to Signal 10 traffic, at no time endangering the passengers’ lives, and always bearing a responsibility for their conduct.
   (B)   Officers will not use Department vehicles to patronize any establishment serving alcoholic beverages, regardless of whether the same has been consumed while there, and unless on official business.  This restriction also include package liquor stores.
   (C)   Off-duty officers, while in Department vehicles, shall have the radio volume at an audible level. Since they are considered on 24-hour call, except during vacation, they may be called at any time to answer any emergency until the on-duty assigned unit arrives and relieves them.
(1996 Code, § 2-68)  (Ord. 1991-2, § 33, passed 7-18-1991)